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Available courses

To perform the object Game The images of the objects are presented and the activity consists of presenting the images and the students, each one who raises his hand, has to say which object the image in English refers to.

"a tally of points for correct answers is kept. At the end of the session, congratulate the winner and the rest for their participation".

The objective of the Object Game is to help students:

Learn and reinforce basic English vocabulary related to everyday objects, such as toys and school supplies.
Improve their pronunciation by saying aloud the names of objects in English.

This course aims to teach students how to learn the English language from the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

I will start the class by showing pictures of different animals (such as cat, dog, lion, elephant).

I am going to repeat the names in English several times and ask the children to repeat after me.

Simon says is a funny game were children like to participate but for this time we will Play "Simon Says" with animal names: “Simon says act like a dog,” “Simon says act like a cat,” etc.

The children will remember the vocabulary while having fun acting out the animals.

  To reach level B1 in English, it is useful to focus on developing skills such as reading, writing, listening and speaking.